Groundnut crop management software

Groundnut can be grown sucessfully in between the fruit crops and widely spaced perrinial crops. Peanut seeds should be planted by hand to a depth of 35 cm 12 in. The groundnut crop is cultivated in 108 countries on about 22. It targets both technicians and producers to ensure high quality seed. Peanut plants grow more slowly than soybeans and take almost three months to achieve a complete ground cover. Producers may apply for marketing assistance loans for farm or warehousestored peanuts or for peanut. Many people are asking about groundnut farming project report and cultivation practgices, hence we are providing a model for peanut groundnut farming project report at the bottm of this article groundnut, popularly known as the peanut is a leguminous crop. China and india together are the worlds leading groundnut producers accounting for nearly 60 percent of the production and 52 percent of the crop area. Where the groundnut is irrigated by border irrigation the fodder crop. In major peanut production states, crop rotation is the first step in a sound weed management. As a result the combination of cultivation and herbicides is usually necessary.

A community biodiversity management approach was explored in this study as a means to reinforce the cultivation of these crops. Groundnut is also called as wonder nut and poor mens cashew nut. Groundnut production requires more management skills than many other crops. According to dr michael vabi, country project manager, nigeria. It has the th most important food crop and 4th most important oilseed crop of the world.

Pdf weed management of groundnut arachis hypogaea l. Fonio digitaria exilis kippist stapf and bambara groundnut vigna subterranea l. Extension agents trained on groundnut technologies to help farmers. The cultivation of groundnut began from a hybrid of two different species of. Groundnuts are an important crop in uganda, both as a cash crop for. Benefits of improved groundnut technologies to resource. Temperatures around 30 c and a wind speed of 10 km h. Groundnut gives 570 calories per 100 g serving and are an excellent source of several b vitamins. Mechanization tools in groundnut cultivation rars tirupati. Adjust the date of sowing to avoid conditions favorable for.

Globally india ranks first in area and second in production. Cultural control stray planting of cowpea or soybean as trap crop. Peanuts can be grown a sole crop or intercropped with other crops. It is best to ridge the soil or use flat beds as this will make harvesting the peanuts easier. Groundnut can be grown profitably in between the rows of red gram, castor, cotton etc. Groundnut is mainly grown under rain fed situation. Chithiraipattam, aprilmay, tmv 7, co 3, cogn 4, vri 2, vri 3,tmvgn. It is the 5th most widely grown crop in subsaharan africa behind maize, sorghum, millet and cassava.

Peanut crop is also a good rotation crop that mounts up the soil productivity power through fixing up the atmospheric nitrogen with the help of root nodules. The manual contains valuable scientific information about crop management topics such as land preparation, varietal selection, seed management, crop protection and postharvest management under ugandan conditions. Seed management technique to separate the viable seeds before sowing seeds can be hardened by soaking in 0. Provides comprehensive information on all aspects of groundnut crop. Groundnut farming project report, cost and profit details. Groundnut cultivation in northern nigeria can be a daunting task as the soils.

Peanut farming groundnut information guide asia farming. While being a valuable source of all the nutrients, it is a lowpriced commodity. Groundnut is an important oilseed crop grown in india. Groundnut is an important cash crop in barani areas of upper punjab and parts of nwfp. Rotation of groundnut with soyabean and other leguminous crops should be avoided. Groundnut agriculture information resource to farmers. It is one of the most important food and cash crops of our country. Groundnut crop is exposed to drought conditions very often during its growth and consequently the yields are lower than the potential yield.

Commercial peanut farming or groundnut farming is a successful business plan and can create a huge profit from it if cultivated with certain farm management. Groundnut seeds kernels contain 4050% oil, 2050 % protein and 1020 % carbohydrate. Peanut also knows as groundnut is one of the top oilseed crops grown in asian countries. Groundnut crop is highly susceptible to weed infestation because of its slow growth in the initial stages upto 40 days, short plant height and under ground pod bearing habit.

Being a legume, groundnut can fix nitrogen from the air. How to reduce aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts and. Revitalizing cultivation and strengthening the seed. Maize, sorghum, pearl millet or small grain crops can be grown following groundnut. Pdf integrated pest management in groundnut arachis. Groundnut production requires more management skills than. The important fungicausing seed rots and seedling diseases, and their symptoms. Pdf groundnut production constraints, farming systems, and. Crops like green gram, b lack gram, pea, soybeans, beans, groundnut, tomatoes and pe a are h ighly susceptible to both v irus an d vector. Successful farmers are those who apply the prescribed management.

Yadav,department of horticulture, csa university kanpur,dr. Secondly it is a crop with high economic value which can fetch a high price on local markets. Groundnut production guide for uganda tropical legumes iii. Integrated nutrient management focuses on agricultural techniques and integrated nutrient management of peanuts arachis hypogaea l. Groundnuts are rich in essential nutrients which are potential to provide health benefits. Broad beds and furrows method of groundnut cultivation is a proven technology from icrisat. Peanut is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial growers. Peanut groundnut diseases and pests, description, uses. Crop rotation is very important in groundnut farming, this helps in efficient nutrient utilization and reduces soilborne diseases and nematodes.

Crop rotation with non leguminous crop is advised in case of severe recurring problem. Groundnut grows well in the arid and semiarid tropics, does not require large amounts of inputs and fits well into rainfed crop rotations and intercrop systems. The mortality of jassids, aphids, leaf miner in groundnut, action on hairy caterpillars are reported in literature. The negative aspects of neem as pesticides have also been reported.

Use of neem products in groundnut pest management in india. Farmers are considering farming as a business venture rather than an activity for producing food. Software helps african plant breeders shape peanut varieties. A crop rotation of cerealcereal groundnut and burying all groundnut crop residues by deep ploughing will reduce initial inoculum. In some countries, it covers up to 60% of the area under crop production.

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